
What's Blooming

Our gardens are always in bloom!

Spring Grove Floral Phenology List

The purpose of this phenology list is to record the floral sequence of bloom as seen on the grounds of Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum. Each month is divided into three periods: Early month representing the 1st through the 9th day, Mid-month representing the 10th through the 19th and Late month representing the 21st through the end of the month. Cultivated varieties (Cultivars) of a species are generally grouped unless significant floral quality of the plant merits its mention. Also note that seasonal bloom is governed by Growing Degree Days (GDD) which can shift the bloom period based on temperature regimes.

Late February

  • Witchhazel Hamamelis x intermedia cvs.  Sect 19A, 35, 39, 47, 53, 60, Woodland Preserve, 100, 115, 117, 118, 119, 124, 125, 126,140
  • Chinese Witchhazel  Hamamelis mollis   Sect 125
  • Japanese Witchhazel  Hamamelis japonica var. flavopurpurascens  Sect 140
  • Vernal Witchhazel  Hamamelis vernalis  Arch, 116
  • Crocus  Crocus sativus  Sect 58, Main Border, 19A 
  • Winter Aconite  Eranthus hyemalis  Woodland Preserve, Sect 60, 118 
  • Snowdrop  Galanthus nivalis  Sect 18-Sedum Garden, Sect 106 

Early March

  • Lenten Rose  Helleborus x hybridus  Railroad Bridge Arch, Main Office Portico


  • Silver Maple  Acer saccharinum  Sect 39, 45, 121 
  • American Elm  Ulmus americana  Sect 24, Chapel Meadow, 110, 122 
  • Kobus Magnolia  Magnolia kobus  Sect 18 
  • Reticulated Iris  Iris reticulata  Main Border opp. 111 

Late March

  • Red Maple  Acer rubrum  Sect 30, 31, 42, 48, 75, 84, 89, 121 
  • White Willow  Salix alba  Sect 20 
  • Common Filbert  Corylus avellana  Sect 17 
  • Quacking Aspen  Populus tremuloides  Sect 21 
  • Siberian Squill  Scilla siberica ‘Spring Beauty’  Woodland Preserve & Border, Norman Chapel, Lakeside Mausoleum, 
  • Northern Sun Forsythia  Forsythia x ‘Northern Sun’  Sect 30 
  • Daffodil  Narcissus spp.  Sect 96, opposite 144 
  • Iris  Iris danfordiae  Historic Office Parking, Sect 19A 
  • Crocus  Crocus sativus  Cedar of Lebanon Mausoleum, Sect 117 
  • Purple Giant Filbert  Corylus maxima var. purpurea  Sect 118 
  • Spring Beauty  Claytonia virginica  Sect 38, 45, 47, 67, 73, 77, 86, 103 
  • Corneliancherry Dogwood  Cornus mas  Sect C, 14, 19A, 58, 60, 62, 110, 118, 120, 123, 127 
  • Lesser Celandine (HIGHLY INVASIVE)  Ranunculus ficaria  Sect 69, 103, Barn area 

Early April

  • Anise Magnolia   Magnolia salicifolia  Garden Mausoleum, Arch 
  • Wilson Elm   Ulmus wilsoniana ‘Prospector’  Sect 7 
  • Daffodil    Narcissus spp.  Sect 15, 21, 24, 37, 58, 86, 99, 113, Woodland, Barn 
  • Forsythia   Forsythia x intermedia cvs.  Sect 23, 29, 40, 52, 53, 79, 99, 103, 105, 110, 117, 123, 127, 133, Barn, North Gate 
  • Hyacinth   Hyacinthus orientalis  Section 132 Oasis Garden 
  • European Larch   Larix decidua  Sect 27 
  • Japanese Larch   Larix kaempferi  Sect 23, 52, 77 
  • Dwarf Flowering Almond  Prunus glandulosa   Sect 19A 
  • Manchu Cherry   Prunus tomentosa  Sect 143 
  • Flowering Quince   Chaenomeles speciosa  Sect 18, 79, 140, Memorial Mausoleum
  • Katsuratree   Cercidiphyllum japonicum  Sect 22, 33, 53 
  • Weeping Higan Cherry   Prunus subhirtella var. pendula  Sect 35, 36, 45 
  • Violet   Viola spp.   Woodland Preserve, Sect 79 
  • Virginia Bluebells   Mertensia virginica  Woodland Preserve, Sect 142F
  • Dutchman’s Breeches  Dicentra cucullaria   Woodland Preserve, Sect 142F 
  • Cut-leaved Toothwort  Dentaria laciniata   Woodland Preserve, Sect 142F 
  • Trout Lily   Erythronium americanum  Woodland Preserve 
  • White Trout Lily   Erythronium albidum  Woodland Preserve 
  • Ramps (Foliage)   Allium tricoccum  Woodland Preserve 
  • Grecian Windflower   Anemone blanda  Woodland Preserve, Sect 142F 
  • Myrtle (HIGHLY INVASIVE)  Vinca minor   Woodland preserve 
  • Star Magnolia   Magnolia stellata  Sect 63, 129 
  • Fuji Cherry   Prunus incisa ‘Little Twist’  Sect 132 
  • Okame Cherry   Prunus x ‘Okame’  Sect 72 


  • Spicebush   Lindera benzoin  Woodland Preserve, Sect 144 
  • Betty Magnolia   Magnolia x ‘Betty’  Sect 19A, 93 
  • Paw Paw   Asimina triloba  Sect 117
  • Shadblow Serviceberry  Amelanchier canadensis  Barn 
  • Bradford Pear (HIGHLY INVASIVE)  Pyrus calleryana cv.  Sect 14, 22, 24, 42, 84, 103, 127, 115, 135, 139, Norman Chapel 
  • Flowering Quince  Chaenomeles speciosa  Sect 14, 18, 79, 125, Memorial Mausoleum 
  • Eastern Redbud   Cercis canadensis  Historic Office, Sect 7, 14, 27 60, 79, 84, 100, 103, 114, 123, 124, 126, 127, 135, 137, 138, 141, 142, Woodland Preserve 
  • White Flower Eastern Redbud  Cercis canadensis f. alba  Sect 62 
  • Asiatic Redbud   Cercis chinensis   Sect 26, 137 
  • P.J.M. Rhododendron  Rhododendron P.J.M.   Historic Office, Sect 20
  • Olga Mezitt Rhododendron  Rhododendron   Norman Chapel
  • Daffodil  Narcissus sp.   Arch Bed, Norman Chapel Sect 60, 68
  • Apple Serviceberry  Amelanchier x grandiflora cv.  Sect 18, 27, 123 
  • Lamark Serviceberry  Amelanchier lemarkii  Sect 63 
  • Running Serviceberry  Amelanchier stolonifera  Sect 49
  • Shadblow Serviceberry  Amelanchier canadensis cv.  Sect 25A, 61A, Barn, 
  • Allegheny Serviceberry  Amelanchier laevis  Sect 19A, 143, Landscape Mausoleum 
  • Downy Serviceberry  Amelanchier arborea cv.  Sect 87 
  • Vanhoutte Spirea  Spiraea x vanhouttei  Sect 47, 141 
  • Mohawk Viburnum  Viburnum x ‘Mohawk’  Sect 18 
  • Burkwood Viburnum  Viburnum x burkwoodii cv.  Sect 19, 127 
  • Koreanspice Viburnum  Viburnum carlesii  Sect 87 
  • Judd Viburnum  Viburnum x juddii  Sect 117 
  • Carlcephalum Viburnum  Viburnum carlcephalum  Garden Mausoleum 
  • Eskimo Viburnum  Viburnum x ‘Eskimo’  Lakeside Mausoleum 
  • Japanese Pieris  Pieris japonica   Sect 99
  • Yoshino Cherry  Prunus x yedoensis cv.  Sect 21, 26, 99 
  • Higan Cherry  Prunus subhirtella cv.  Sect 45, 
  • Tibetan Cherry  Prunus serrula var. tibetica  Sect 86 
  • Sargent Cherry  Prunus sargentii  Sect 132 
  • Burkwood Daphne  Daphne x burkwoodii ‘Carol Mackie’  Woodland Preserve
  • Emerald Triumph Viburnum  Viburnum x ‘Emerald Triumph’  Sect 39 
  • Bloodroot   Sanguinaria canadensis
  • Common Pawpaw   Asimina triloba

Late April

  • Tulip   Tulipa clusiana   Historic Office Parking Island
  • Cut-leaf Lilac   Syringa laciniata   Norman Chapel 
  • Flowering Dogwood (white)  Cornus florida   Sect 19A, 30, 38, 45, 46, 81, 100, 103, 110, 112, 131 
  • Spring Grove Dogwood Cornus florida 'Grovflor'  Sect 35
  • Saskatoon Serviceberry  Amelanchier alnifolia   Sect 36 
  • Flowering Crabapple  Malus spp. and cvs.   Lawn Crypt area, Garden Mausoleum, 21, 68, 115, 116, 126, 132, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 142 
  • Common Chokecherry  Prunus virginiana    Sect 114 
  • Red flowering Dogwood  Cornus florida var. rubra   Sect 81, 103, 110 
  • Ivy-leaf Maple   Acer cissifolium   Sect 95 
  • Little-leaf Lilac   Syringa pubescens subsp. microphylla  Main Border 
  • American Bladdernut  Staphylea trifolia    Sect 99 
  • European Bladdernut  Staphylea pinnata   Sect 99
  • Colchis Bladdernut  Staphylea colchica   Memorial Mausoleum
  • Black Jetbead  (INVASIVE)  Rhodotypos scandens   Sect C, Barn 
  • Dwarf Fothergilla  Fothergilla gardenii   Memorial Mausoleum, Customer Service Center 
  • Large Fothergilla   Fothergilla major   Sect 27A, Reservoir 
  • Japanese Kerria   Kerria japonica   Sect 20, 144, Main Border
  • Japanese Kerria Kerria japonica ‘Pleniflora’ Main Border 
  • Japanese Kerria Kerria japonica ‘Shannon’ Sect 20 
  • Japanese Kerria Kerria japonica ‘Golden Guinea’ Sect 144
  • Garland Spirea   Spiraea x arguta  Sect 39 
  • Weigela   Weigela subsessilis  Sect 132 
  • Birchleaf Spirea   Spiraea betulifolia  Sect 127 
  • Oak   Quercus spp.  Too many to mention, just look up 
  • Carolina Silverbell  Halesia tetraptera  Sect 19A 
  • Kaempferi Azalea  Rhododendron kaempferi ‘Karens’  Sect 87 
  • Leatherleaf Viburnum  Viburnum  rhytidophyllum  Customer Service Center, Sect 113 
  • Lantanaphyllum Viburnum  Viburnum x rhytidophylloides  Sect 113 
  • Hyacinth Lilac  Syringa x hyacinthiflora cvs.  Sect 36, 67, 95, 103
  • Wayfaringtree Viburnum  Viburnum lantana ‘Mohican’  Sect 137 
  • Prague Viburnum  Viburnum x pragense  North Gate 
  • Red Buckeye  Aesculus pavia  Sect 45, 49, 53, 57 
  • Hally Jolivette Cherry  Prunus x ‘Hally Jolivette’  Sect 35 

Early May

  • Common Lilac   Syringa vulgaris cv.  Sect 8, 17, 22, 35, 38, 46, 47, 53, 54, 61, 70, 71, 100, 112, 106, 
  • Yellowhorn  Xanthoceras sorbifolium  Sect 35, A 
  • False Indigo  Baptisia australis  Historic Office, Sect 141G
  • Carolina Allspice  Calycanthus floridus  Sect 20, 37 
  • Yellow Buckeye  Aesculus flava  Sect 14, 22, 27, 29, 100
  • Ohio Buckeye  Aesculus glabra   Sect 100 
  • Japanese Horsechestnut  Aesculus turbinata   Sect 45 
  • Sweet Birch  Betula lenta  Sect 31 
  • Umbrella Magnolia  Magnolia tripetala  Sect 57, 84, 86, 87 
  • Green Hawthorn  Crataegus viridis ‘Winter King’  Norman Chapel 
  • Washington Hawthorn  Crataegus phaenopyrum  Sect 27 
  • Korean Mountainash  Sorbus alnifolia  Sect 27A 
  • Doublefile Viburnum  Viburnum plicatum  Sect 56 
  • Tomentosum Doublefile Viburnum  Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum  Sect 55, 56 
  • White Fringetree  Chionanthus virginicus  Sect 65, 101, 111, Main Border 
  • Chinese Fringetree  Chionanthus retusus  Sect 43, 51, 53
  • American Yellowwood  Cladrastis kentukea  Sect 19A, 23, 69
  • Manchurian Lilac  Syringa pubescens subsp. patula ‘Miss Kim’  Spring Grove Funeral Home, Sect 135 
  • Japanese Wisteria  Wisteria floribunda  Sect 18 Waterfall
  • Kentucky Wisteria  Wisteria frutescens var. Macrostachya  Sect 18 Waterfall
  • American Wisteria  Wisteria frutescens  Sect 18 Waterfall
  • Japanese Spirea  Spiraea japonica ‘Little Princess’  Sect 117 
  • Beautybush  Kolkwitzia amabilis  Sect 112 
  • Siberian Peashrub - Reservoir  Caragana arborescens  Spring Grove Funeral Home 
  • English Hawthorn  Crataegus laevis ‘Crimson Cloud’  Sect 60, Memorial Mausoleum 


  • Meyer Lilac  Syringa meyeri  Sect 47, 67, 141, 
  • Devilswood, Tea Olive  Osmanthus americanus  Sect 54, 117 
  • Slender Deutzia   Deutzia gracilis    Sect 40, Lakeside Mausoleum, 
  • Bigleaf Magnolia  Magnolia macrophylla  Sect 17, 19 
  • Manchurian Lilac  Syringa pubescens subsp. patula ‘Miss Kim’  Sect 140 
  • Nippon Spirea  Spiraea nipponica  Sect 129 
  • Ninebark   Physocarpus opulifolius  Sect 27, 112, 133 
  • Old Fashioned Weigela  Weigela florida ‘Pink Princess’  Sect 10, 54
  • Old Fashioned Weigela  Weigela florida ‘White Lightning’  Sect 54 
  • Old Fashioned Weigela  Weigela florida  Sect 67 
  • Old Fashioned Weigela  Weigela florida ‘Bristol Ruby’  Sect 126 
  • Wine-n-Roses Weigela  Weigela florida ‘Alexandra’  Sect 133 
  • Old Fashioned Weigela  Weigela florida ‘Rumba’  Sect 143 
  • My Monet Weigela  Weigela florida ‘Tango’  Sect 144 
  • Sargent Viburnum  Viburnum sargentii ‘Onondaga’  Sect 126 
  • Catawba Rhododendron  Rhododendron catawbiense ‘Boursalt’  Sect 84 
  • Catawba Rhododendron  Rhododendron catawbiense ‘Roseum Elegans’  Sect 98 
  • Magnifica Deutzia  Deutzia x magnifica  Sect 123 
  • Thornless Honeylocust  Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis Sect 14, 22, 24, 26, 137, 139, 140 
  • Preston Lilac  Syringa x prestoniae   Sect 9 
  • Preston Lilac  Syringa x prestoniae ‘James MacFarlane’  Sect 21 
  • Linden Viburnum  Viburnum dilatatum ‘Northern Burgundy’  Sect 21 
  • Black Locust  Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Purple Robe’  Sect 14, 117 
  • Black Locust  Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’  Sect 53 
  • Linden Viburnum  Viburnum dilatatum  Main Border 

Late May

  • Fuzzy Deutzia  Deutzia scabra  Sect 74, 126 
  • Peony   Paeonia spp.  Sect 37, 39, 57, 58, 77, 88, 99, 101, 104, 112 
  • Kousa Dogwood  Cornus kousa  Sect 36, 37 
  • Rose Carpet Indigo  Indigofera pseudotinctoria   Barn 
  • Beautybush  Kolkwitzia amabilis   Sect 63, 131
  • Scotch Laburnum  Laburnum alpinum   Historic Office, Sect 93
  • American Smoketree Cotinus obovatus Barn, 79, 93, 110, 114

Early June

  • Peking Tree Lilac  Syringa reticulata subsp. pekinensis  Sect 19A, 110, Memorial Mausoleum 
  • Peking Tree Lilac  Syringa reticulata subsp. pekinensis cvs.  Sect, 110, 121, 136
  • Japanese Tree Lilac  Syringa reticulata var. reticulata   Rose Garden, Sect 137 
  • Common Catalpa  Catalpa speciosa   Sect 42 
  • Tamarisk  Tamarix racmosissima   Sect 18 
  • Red Meidiland Rose  Rosa ‘Meineble’   Sect 19A 
  • Southern Magnolia  Magnolia grandiflora ‘Grovgrand’   Sect 16 
  • Southern Magnolia  Magnolia grandiflora cvs.  Historic Office, Garden Mausoleum, Sect 19 A, 39, 51 
  • (White) Rugosa Shrub Rose  Rosa rugosa ‘Alba’    Sect 142 
  • Rugosa Shrub Rose  Rosa rugosa ‘Hansa’    Sect 22 
  • Rose  Rosa hybrids    Rose Garden 
  • Adam’s-needle Yucca  Yucca filamentosa    Sect 39, 122 
  • Sawtooth Stewartia  Stewartia serrata    Rose Garden, Sect 115 
  • Sweetbay Magnolia  Magnolia virginiana    Sect 54, 116 
  • Sweetbay Magnolia  Magnolia virginiana ‘Northern Belle’   Lakeside Mausoleum 
  • Sweetbay Magnolia  Magnolia virginiana ‘Henry Hicks’  19A
  • Oakleaf Hydrangea  Hydrangea quercifolia   Customer Service Center, Sect 27, 39 
  • Oakleaf Hydrangea  Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Pee Wee’   Sect 24 
  • Climbing Hydrangea  Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris  Norman Chapel 
  • American Linden, Basswood  Tilia americana   Sect 18, 24, 86, 119, 121, Gatehouse 
  • Billiard Spirea  Spiraea x billiardii ‘Triumphans’   Sect 29 
  • Winterberry  Ilex verticillata ‘Winter Gold’   Sect 141 
  • Southern Bush Honeysuckle  Diervilla sessifolia  Sect 141 
  • Cool Splash Bush Honeysuckle   Diervilla sessifolia LDPC Podaras  Main Border 
  • Common Smoketree, Smokebush   Cotinus coggygria `Purpureus’  Memorial Mausoleum 
  • Common Smoketree, Smokebush   Cotinus coggygria  Barn 
  • Common Smoketree,   Smokebush Cotinus coggygria cvs.  Sect 99, 110, 111, 115, 121, 135
  • Bush Cinquefoil   Potentilla fruticosa ‘Goldfinger’  Sect 141 


  • Elderberry  Sambucus canadensis  Main Border 
  • Eastern Wahoo  Euonymus atropurpureus  Woodland Preserve, Sect 99 
  • Ural Falsespirea  Sorbaria sorbifolia  Sect 19A, 26, 35 
  • Bottlebrush Buckeye  Aesculus parvifolia  Spring Grove Funeral Home, Woodland Preserve 
  • Buttonbush  Cephalanthus occidentalis  Sect 87, 136 
  • Japanese Stewartia   Stewartia pseudocamellia  Sect 99 

Late June

  • Panicled Goldenraintree  Koelreutaria paniculata  Spring Grove Funeral Home 
  • Sourwood   Oxydendron arboreum    Sect 99
  • Chinese Chestnut   Castanea mollissima  Sect 19A, 131

Early July

  • Crapemyrtle   Lagerstroemia indica   Sect 53 
  • Crapemyrtle   Lagerstroemia indica cvs.  Garden Courtyard, Sect 14, 19A, 22, 63, 126, 137, 139, MB
  • Hibiscus, Rose of Sharon   Hibiscus syriacus ‘Diana’   Sect 110 
  • Hibiscus, Rose of Sharon Hibiscus syriacus ‘Hamabo’, ‘Red Heart’, ‘Redbird’, Sect 18
  • Bigleaf Hydrangea   Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Big Daddy’   Garden Courtyard 
  • Endless Summer® Hydrangea Twist-n-Shout™  Hydrangea macrophylla ‘PIIHM-I’  Sect 127 
  • Endless Summer® Hydrangea   Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bailmer’  Garden Courtyard 


  • Bluebeard  Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Dark Knight’  Main Border 
  • Bluebeard  Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Blue Mist’   Memorial Mausoleum 
  • Panicle Hydrangea   Hydrangea paniculata ‘White Lace’   Sect 120 
  • Panicle Hydrangea  Hydrangea paniculata ‘Unique’  Sect 135 
  • Panicle Hydrangea   Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’  Sect 67 
  • Amur Maackia  Maackia amurensis  Garden Courtyard 

Late July

  • Purple Beautyberry  Callicarpa dichotoma   Customer Service Center 
  • Franklin Tree or Franklinia  Franklinia alatamaha  Garden Mausoleum, Western Row 
  • Japanese Pagodatree  Styphnolobium japonicum   Sect 18 
  • Japanese Pagodatree  Styphnolobium japonicum ‘Regent’  Sect 53 

Early August

  • Chinese Pearlbloom  Poliothrysis sinensis  Sect 95, 122 

Late August

  • Seven-son Flower  Heptacodium miconioides  Sect 14, 35, 123, 128 
  • Chastetree  Vitex agnus-castus  Sect 21

November – December:

  • Common Witchhazel  Hamamelis virginiana cvs.  Sect 126
  • *Common Witchhazel  Hamamelis virginiana   Main Border

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